The Crazie

My photo
I'm Just nothing for U guys , But U Guys Are Everything for me~ :) Born on June 15. Single but Not available.


☑Single ☐ In relationship
☑Not Available ☐ Available


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hari yang PENUH nasihat, Untung lah aku :)

Okey~ hari nie aku macam NOT IN MOOD TO STUDY, aku xpergi sekolah time P&P , tapi aku g main FUTSAl waktu petang , So, Many people didnt like it ~ BUT i do like it ~ So, Hari nie penuh lah aku terisi dengan ceramah-ceramah dari penceramah bebas iaitu MOM , DAD , And Fiance :P hahaha . Tapi aku suke , cz its make me feel that they care to me ~
and i glad to hear that .
So, i motivate my self and find ways to be the person who people call "RAJIN" and I found THIS.

Jika kamu tidak ada mood mengerjakan PR, padahal esok harus udah dinilai, hindari dulu aktifitas kesenanganmu. Semisal tutup akun FB, matikan PS, hindari sementara chanel TV favoritmu, kalau perlu matikan HP. Dekatkan dirimu dengan kewajiban sembari memutar music kesukaan kamu, semisal mengemas buku, melihat gambar – gamabar lucu di cover buku PR. Ujung – ujungnya kerjakan PR deh..hehe
2. Beruntunglah jika kamu punya orangtua “cerewet” dengan nasehat baiknya yang berulag – ulang. Coba kalau orangtuamu membiarkan kamu semau- maunya, sejadi – jadinya. Ga’ kebayang deh apa yang akan terjadi dengan kepribadianmu. Jadi kalau orangtuamu ngingatin untuk belajar, sedang kamu pas asik main PS atau nonton acara TV favorit tidak perlu bête berlebihan. Percaya deh, tidak ada nasehat baik yang akan kamu sesali. Semua demi kesuksesan kamu.
3. Apakah kamu merasa anak kurang pintar? Tidak pernah juara kelas? Belajar berjam – jam tidak juga menghasilkan nilai ulangan bagus sehingga sering membuat kamu frustasi?. Jika iya, berarti ada yang salah dengan cara belajar kamu. Ingat rajin belajar bukan berarti kemana- mana selalu pegang buku, seakan ingin menunjukkan ke orang lain bahwa kamu memang anak rajin. Tetapi kamu harus tahu pada materi apa mestinya kamu perlu pelajari lebih dalam. Ingat, kamu makhluk social yang tetap perlu oranglain. Jadi, jangan segan untuk bertanya pada Ibu/Bpk guru atau teman yang ramah(sy ada) dalam berbagi pengetahuan.
Selebihnya, sifat rajin yang kamu punya sangat dipengaruhi semangatmu meraih cita – cita dan kemampuanmu menjauhi hal – hal buruk yang dapat menjauhkan kamu dari keberhasilan. Selamat belajar dan melawan rasa malas

So, I'm going to study tonight !!! THank for Advising me LOVER. *parent included :)
And My sweetheart pun da malas na layan saye , dye off FB, so, nothing to do accept STUDY, sebab itu yang perlu dibuat pelajar RITE~ so, goodnite and lets RIDE :)

P/s: thank you

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tetibe Aku Rindu :)

Hehehe~ just a song . Tell you :)

Hahaha~ thank for the cloud9 .. :) <3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

seriusly .

Hari nie kinda Bored :(
Its start with the call from my lover, (this the only the HAPPY part )
then woke uP , take a bath ,pray, facebook(its happy when she ONLINE).
Then FAcebook became bored(she offline)
And now im Blogging :| (no feeling)
So, Now After i pray Asar i think i going to take some fresh air at the usual place like everyday,( KINDA BORing ,,, i wish i can go with HER)
haaaaaaaaaaaa~ What should i do ea??

Edit some pic :) and look at old photo :)

This some memories :)
LETS see :

Heh?? Do you have strength like THIS BOY? even those he might look like strong , BUT he is childish and love to cry . @_@ am i cute?? :P
Okey next :

He is Crazy RITE , Doing thing that people wont do. But He is kinda cool while with HER,
and sometime he is annoying. NVM. This is when crazy people meet the craziness.
Okey NExt:
  THis Is NAzrin A.k.a MAT ROCK just back here FROM Syria . I know WAR is happen at there , But no need to show la that you are soldier :P hehehe~ and beside HIM is ME, The guys who think he masculine enough :P but HE DOES :) bhahhaha~

Okey Next: THis is my FAV game :) TEKKEN i kinda no so PRO but still can WIN laH :P
 NOT MUCH ~ 10 WIN only :)

OKey NEXT : This is when NoBody At HOME and we make it WILD~ :)
This is My House and there is MAT ROCK, I'm not rich and only live at the villages.
Okey . there number in the picture rite ?

Number 1 : where the place i use to sit while i call her :)
Number 2: there a window rite? there is my bedroom window, so there was my bedroom la.
Number 3: My hand phone :P

okey there is some picture at the parties :)

 Always IN GREEN :)
 there is my garage :) so UGLY rite :) and the guys in there also :P hahaha~ sorry adan .
btw this old picture , now its clean where i do my research at there :) (poyo , menjahanam barang ada la)
 This is the food, look like taste (cit , tak lalu aku)
There ME, its not complete when no barbeque song at the barbeque rite , :)
  OKey next and the last picture :) my father already tell me to PRAY :)
Okey, GREEN Lantern Again and His sidekick Mr Rabbit At the pocket, and only Left THE picture of Mr. Rabbit friends at my backpack Mr bunny who have injuries because being killed by a girl at the School field in a few month ago. :'(

BTW this the pic that i take before going to langkawi this earlier years holidays :)
Okey. Time to backoff now ~ see you guys soon. its fun to write this blog actually , it remember me some memories :)
Assalamualaikum . chow dulu doe~ :) 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thank for The LOve :P


I just read 1 blog that my syg gave me this evening,
And i found out that she get a rough in a relationship , Just like me ,
And i just read THis Song Its so meaningful to me and mybe at her to.

The song : Bicara Cinta Arianna
Bermula dengan senyuman
Bicara mesra
Ku sangka kawan
Rupanya cinta

Ku sedar dunia
Kita berbeza
Tapi kau sedia
Terima segala


Kutulis namamu di langit tinggi
Awan berarak menyapu pergi
Kutulis namamu di pasir pantai
Laut menghempas membawa pergi
Lalu kutulis di dalam hati
Semoga ia kekal abadi

Tuhan tolonglah
Restui cinta
Untuk kami
Kekal bahagia .

YEAH~ And I found Out That my word " I LOVE YOU SAYANG" can make My Sayang GOING Crazy , And i want her to be Crazy now~ :P I LOVE YOU SAYANG ( F,S) hehehe~ :D



Friday, June 24, 2011

Feels Alone by Adam Hafiz

days feel like something difference ,
i feel like empty.
something missing in my life ,
I cant figure it out.
And its make me feels sad for no reason,
I'm a guy who love to cry,
but the tears always hide,
cz i'm a man.
But deep inside..... :( SAD . not sad actually, but feel like down.
I think i miss,
miss the time before ,
me and the fallen ANGEL ,
Talking every nite,
Laughing , smile , sad together.
But now, here I'm ,alone,
in this small world,
Waiting for the ...
And I hope its gonna be like YESTERDAY.
And Everything is gonna be just fine :)
Rite Angel?

Short text By HR.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heee~ Tanpa diduga. dah 5 bulan berlalu.

  • Assalamualaikum
    Hai adam.hehe, adam kenape ta letak name adam sedap.adam kn penghulu sgala nabi.

    1st comment dari dye untuk aku. :) pada 7 feb 2011. 

    Okey2.. ill chg for U~ (BTW.. im not good enough to have the name)
                                                                      February 7

    Disinilah titip permulaanya. :) and
    sekarang dah 22 June 2011 . 


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Dont worry we can through this together :D I have faith on you. Coz i heart You :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

15 JUNE 2011


HAHA , SUre laH menyiraP~ giler doe~ aku pun xsedar~ aku pergi makan kat PASEMBOR KADER , TP Aku Tgh GAYUT kat dalam kete~ bese la ~ call Free ~ mesti call Isteri ~ Bhahaha~ THen da nak dekat Midnite~ aku pun G je laH lepak baliK~ then derang pun dah abis makan ~ Trus laH kitorang g lepak kat LAKE~ Hehehe~ LEpak nyer LEpak~ aku pUn xsedar~ tetibe je TEPUNG hinggap kat kapla aku~ PErHH , BERDEBU doe~
Tuh xpe lagi la~ aku pun ingat la~ okey ~ tepung je , bley kibas2 then bersih la~ TUP>>>TUP~~~~ NAAAHhh Hinggap pulak telur dipipi~ NAHHH~ dye baling telur mcm bola besbol der~ nasib baek POK CIK menangkis~ kene cebeh2 je~ lau x~ leBAM~
Then SebiJIK laGI NAAA~ hinggap KAt Betul2 Atas pale~ xder sipi2 nyer~ naaa~

Then , Membe aku yang bufday sama ngan aku~ CIiiTTT dya mAo lari der~ , MAna Mao lari deeeerrr~ semua sinie lari 100m 5.0 saat je~ xbley g jauH~ naa~ WAN kejar macam
motor drag tuH~ pakai TX , skali ader APek mAbuk der meh kacau~ ader lak Nak langgar dye~ XFree makan PENENDANG~ Huhh~ LAyAN ,"LU MABUK KA!!!!" (ayat wan sebelum melepaskan tendangan yg xbrapa maut, APEK tu gelak je masa kena tendang )

HAHa~ pastu FIA kena la ~ naaa TEpUnG 2KG bersama sebiji telur, untuk dijadikan KEN hari jadinya tetapi dikepala~ naaa~

HUHUHUHU~ so, da settel semua~ TIME TO SNAP LA~ nie dye~

 NIe FIA~ KEMBAR AKU~ kitorang membe2 banyak ader kembar ~ Arip ngan de'note pun lahir skali jgk~ hehehehe~ tu la semua kepala GILA~ YEAH!!!!


PAPE pun ~ Im 20th year OLD DUDE!! mak aku cakap boley menikah dah~ tapi cari duit sendiri ~ hahahaha~ Tunggu JUP leeee~ kawe nak skoloh dulu~ pas nie kawe kawen lee~
hehehe~ Assalamualaikum~

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

15 june 1991 till 15 JUNE 2011

Alhamdulilah kepada ALLAH,
Sekarang Aku dah berUMUR 20 TAHUN,
And aku harap aku dapat menjadi seorang yang berguna kepada , ALLAH , PARENT and FAMILY  , FRIENDS, and THE MOST IMPORTANT to my LOVER. <3

Aku bersyukur , sebab selama aku lahir hingga sekarang, Pahit manis kehidupan aku sentiasa ada hikmah dya dan Mendapat pertolongan dari Allah .

AKu ingin berterima kasih kepada rakan-rakan juga kerana banyak membantu aku dikala duka dan susah masa dulu-dulu dan sekarang, sanggup melayan karenah aku ini. hehe :P aku tau aku jahat :P

THen terima kasih juga kepada LOVER aku , yang selalu memberi semangat kat aku , dikata aku give UP , dan sakit or pape lah~ DAn juga semasa aku bosan, sanggup dye melayan cerita2 karut aku dan dye juga selalu bagi BEDTIMESTORY kat aku sebelum aku tdo. :) Thank for wishing me and some bithday song :) I love ur Angel Voice :)

Then To my parent yang sanggup menerima dan membela aku dari aku lahir hingga lah Besar dan COMEL begini :P bhahhaa~ (comel kan? )
Xder cara untuk aku balas jasa mereka, kerana jasanya begitu besar dan aku xmampu nak balas sebab bergitu mahal dan bernilai jasa mereka.

So, dengan USIA yang semakin meningkat ini , aku akan berusaha untuk menjadi Insan yang lebih beriman , bertakwa dan taat kepada perintah Allah.
Setiap manusia melakukan kesalahan, tetapi Allah tidak pernah berhenti memaafkanya.
Aku syukur kepada Allah sekali lagi kerana LAHIR berAgama ISLAM, AGAMA YANG 1 , yang wajib aku ikut.

So, aku sudahi dengan Assalamualaikum WTB, DAn selamat beramal. dan selamat HARI JADI KE DUAPULUH UNTUK DIRI SENDIRI :) . chow~

More Than Words

Saying I Love You
Is Not The Words
I Want To Hear From You
It's Not That I Want You
Not To Say
But If You Only Knew
How Easy
It Would Be To
Show Me How You Feel
More Than Words
Is All You Have To Do
To Make It Real
Then You Wouldn't
Have To Say
That You Love Me
Cos I'd Already Know

What Would You Do
If My Heart Was Torn In Two
More Than Words To Show You Feel
That Your Love For Me Is Real
What Would You Say
If I Took Those Words Away
Then You Couldn't Make Things New
Just By Saying I Love You

It S More Than Words
It S More Than What You Say
It S The Things You Do
Oh Yeah
It S More Than Words
It S More Than What You Say
It S The Things You Do
Oh Yeah

Now That I've Tried To
Talk To You
And Make You Understand
All You Have To Do
Is Close Your Eyes
And Just Reach Out Your Hands

And Touch Me
Hold Me Close
Don't Ever Let Me Go
More Than Words
Is All I Ever
Needed You To Show
Then You Wouldn't Have To Say
That You Love Me
Cos I'd Already Know

What Would You Do
If My Heart Was Torn In Two
More Than Words To Show You Feel
That Your Love For Me Is Real
What Would You Say If I Took Those Words Away
Then You Couldn't Make Things New
Just By Saying I Love You

Monday, June 13, 2011

everytime i miss you ,
all i want is you ,
For what i done is for you,
i just wanna be with you,

Bhahaha~ mood rindu :) biasa lah.
xmacam korang , nak jumpa ISTERI or SPECIAL FRIENDS korang call je terus boley date.. hahahaa~ aku lain laH~ jaUH Dimata~ tp dekat je kat hati *perHHH~mcm Casanova*
Xder lah~ JOKE!! aku bosan laK~ nakwat HW smangat kurang~ ADer2 lah~ tp dye xsihat :'(  huhu ~xp xpe~ aku akan cuba gak wat jupg~ hehehe~ bak kata teacher aku tadi~ UR FUTURE IS IN YOUR HAND~ hahaha~ THEN aku pun tengok tangan Aku~ THEN AKU BERDOA ~"Ya Allah , Berilah kejayaan kepada hamba-Mu ini" *ayat dah edit* MENYIRAP JE dye~ hahaha~  yer lah~ aku malas~ mesti la ckgu complain~ PAndai , PAndai dah, cuma malas je~ kalo tukar je malas tu jadi rajin~ surelah jadi PROF.NOR HAFIZ haha ~ (BeRANGAN je MAMPU) hahaha~

BTW~ aku macam da semangat da skit nie~ so, aku kena bg tanK perut aku full dulu ~ Then kita WAT HOMEWORK!!!!!

                           CAYALAH ADAM (suara dari tukang soraK)

HEhehe~ BTW TO MY BELOVED!! THIS IS FOR YOU! *terjumpa lak pic nie~ mcm sweet je~~ :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sebenarnya aku xnak taip blog hari nie ~ cz aku xder pape nak cerita~
Tapi ader lah satu budak comel th suro aku update blog~ myb sebab dye penat kemas bilik kot~ then nak layan karenah mamat nie lagi ?
bhahaha~ apekan daya......

enough with the entry,
mmg xder pape aku nak update,
aku tak tahu lah~ rase mcm xcited ke resah ke nak g skul esok~ mmg lah aku xder wat HW pun~ ader cikit je~
hahaha ~ yer lah~ next 3 DAYS akunyer BIRTHDAY!! A.K.A 15 JUNE 2011, HARI yang BARAKAH nie ader 1 movie keluar kat cinema , CITER GREEN LANTERN~ AKU NIE KIPAS SUSAH MATI GREEN LANTERN, SO, aku rasa terharu lah ~ citer dye ada bersamaan dihari jadi aku~ PERKH!!!!!!

SS4'You [ Secret Song For You]

You were there to light my day
you were there to guide me through
from my days down and on
i'll never stop thinking of you

how can i forget all that
when you're the one who make me smile
you'll always be a part of me
how i wish you were still mine

never will forget the day
how we've met and came this far
we all know we got this feeling
but somehow it has to end up here

i know it's me who said goodbye
and that's the hardest thing to do
cause you mean so much to me
and guide the truth from me to you

for all the things i've done and said
for all the hurt that i've caused you
i hope you will forgive me baby-cause
that wasn't what i meant to do.

Friday, June 10, 2011


nak Updated Tp xjd~ :P
Tunggu tarikh dye~ 5 more days~

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cradle :) *i just donno how it call those "buaian kat taman tuh"

Haha~ Girl swing ride Those Cradle~
NOt All Lah~ hehe~ certain2  je~  But its look so sweet ~ tell you~ when i saw it~ i just wanna HUG it ~ FOr Sure I'll HUG if She is my WIFE :) hehe~

Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm who I'm

6 JUNE 2011,
The Bored DAYS,
Without The Voice  And Laugh,
Day feels so empty,
So, this eve i gonna need to call her :)
tell her to save me from this bored life.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How Hard it can Be?

its like everything ,
Time passing by,
I just scare, 
Scare to be ALone, 

That Me,
But For YOu, 
I knew Its hard,
I cant read ur mind, 
I can feel what you feels,
I just can try too,
What would i want to is,
To see you,
Like Yesterday, 
Like before,
Laughing ,Smiling and Happy,

I want do all the thing that make you feel like that ,
But Im weak , know nothing,
If can,
If can, 
i gonna take you to never-land ,
like peterpan, 
live freely ,
Flying like an angel,
Just few year more for me,
And i'll take you into my journey .
lets marry :)

Bila jejaka Memakai Glasses :)

 Time Zaman Dulu2~

nie time last year~ past pale kene botak~ :)

nie baru2 nie~ hangout ngan JoyaH~ kat mc'd
 nie dah berkurun lama~ tah biler~

 nie Hari nie ,Baru lepas CAll my sayang~ Nak g beli LunCH

nie last year kot~ kat POPULAR~ hehe~

nie kat Ts~ jedai ape taH~

NIe mase KAt U~ nampak X pale Membe Aku~ hehehe~  Rambut puN macam penaT~ ner la AweK naK~ :) *Baju AKu Yang tgh pAkai Tu Ilang doE~ RADIOACTIVE TUU~ 
P/s:27/10/2009~ haha~ skg 4/06/2011~ 3 years doe~

HAha~  nie laH~ gambar jejaka Biler pakai glasses~ lain jenis lain la MUKE aku dapaT~ :) 

kay da~ assalamualaikuM~ PEACE (^_^)V

Saturday, June 4, 2011

SaHuR Di BuLan ReJAb :)

its New For ME ~
I usually fasting In RAMADAn,but i just wanna try to Feels How fasting when other people were not. Today gonna be my first try. wish me LUCK . iNsya Allah it will strengthen my IMAN :)

P/s: Big THank For someone who give me some inspire to fasting~ it just make me feels want to~ Syukur Alhamdulilah~ may Allah Bless YOU .
*I DOnT LenT You Supper*

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Talk , silence ,cry, laugh . LOVE = She

Lame x Update BLog~ hehe~ so, aku bermula DEngaN Ayat IKLAS?
HAha~ Kinda funny That ADAM HAFIZ = HER , HER post at The FACEBOOK , THe FACEBOOK GIve ANd Idea TO FeRdaUS BLOG ~ :) hehehe~
ANd FerDAus Blog GiVE mE iDEa To ADAM HAFIZ BLoG~ :) WHAt A worD~

Xder Pape Pun Na PosT ,cUMa ~ Its HarD to GeT someTHing ,When YOu Are NothinG.

KEnapa surah Al-Ikhlas ?
HEhe~ surah nie NAma dya Al-Ikhlas tp cuba korang cari , ader ke PErkataan Ikhlas DAlam SuraH nie? Sure xder KAn . Nie menunjukkan bahawasanya apabila kita ikhlas , kita xder la bagi tao orang yang kita ikhlas , Contohnyer "Aku Ikhlas nak bagi kat Awak Buku nie"  biler cakap mcm nie , seterusnya benda tu jadi xiklas DAh~
huhu~ aku pun xpandai hal-hal ugama nie ~ but Ustaz aku la cerita ~ banyak lagi aku nak sampaikan ~ tp mata dah beraT ~ maklum laH~ dah pukul 1 pagi baru nak taip blog ~ mcm nie la jd nyer~
wallah HU ALAM~
KAy der ~ assalamualaikum~

P/S: TAjUk , Content caca merba, xder kena mengena~ ~ hahaha~ aku tgh pening ~ ahaks ~ layan je lAH~

★Kau Bagai Bintang★


Kau Bagai Lampu yang menyuluh kegelapan malam

Menemaniku dalam keangkuhan malam yang gelap

Membunuh kegelapan malam.


Kau Bagai musik yang memecah kesunyian ,

Menghibur diriku dalam kesunyian malam yang suram

Meriuhkan kepahitan malam.

Bintang ,

Kau Bagaikan penyembuh yang mengubati keperitan malam

Megubatiku dikala luka dimala...

create by ADAM a.k.a pencinta BINTANG

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